Dear Parents/Carers,
We have taken the decision, along with our Governors, to close school to ALL pupils on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th January.
We fully understand this could create challenges for you in terms of childcare and are so sorry for this.
The timing of tonight’s announcement and giving schools a 12 hour turn around to achieve what is expected by the government in that timeframe is simply not achievable in order to keep our families and whole school community safe.
We hope you can understand the decision we have had to make. It has not been taken lightly.
If you have not already, please complete the survey on keyworker/remote learning by 7am tomorrow to help inform our planning.
We will be in touch again tomorrow with further information around remote learning; key worker places and additional support we will be offering to all our families.
We know tonight’s announcement will have created a lot of anxiety, worry and stress for everyone in our school community. We fully understand this. Our school community became stronger through the challenges we faced together in 2020. I have no doubt, that we will be able to pull together again to get through this and come out even stronger again.
Clarendon Road will remain a Happy place, be Proud of how it’s pupils adapt and Shines even on the dark days.
Thank you as always for your unending support and co-operation.
If you have any questions, please email school:
Stay safe,
Mrs Gallagher